An Overview
Ever since the time of antiquity, the two dominant civilizations of both East and West have clashed in the corridors of history with each vying for supremacy over the other. Their differences many and at times, the basic tenants of coexistence have been tested. Although peace has mainly prevailed over the last several decades between these two civilizations on the surface, underneath still remain the currents of animosity and mistrust.
The year is 1980. The Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has embarked on a daring plan that if successful would ensure Islam’s permanent ascension to world dominance. It would also lead to the subsequent demise of Christianity and all other world religions. The first Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran formally known as the great historic nation of Persia had sanctioned the collection of DNA from past Islamic leaders, religious holy men, academics and benevolent men alike. The scientific and technological advances made in the spheres of bioengineering and applied to human cloning in particular, shall give rise to an all powerful Supreme Islamic Leader. This creation of man will firstly seek to unite and rule over all men of Islam and then the rest of the world.
The Grand Ayatollah’s vision was completely undermined by the hand of a misguided Muslim fanatic who was entrusted to oversee this grand operation. It was shortly after the end of the Third World War when Muslim scientists had made great scientific breakthroughs in the field of genetics. Scattered in several secret laboratories throughout Teheran, scientists under the leadership of the grandson of the sixth president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who also shared the same name as his grandfather, had taken it upon himself to incorporate additional DNA traits that were not envisioned by the Grand Ayatollah. These additional attributes instilled diabolic traits of aggressiveness and ruthlessness making the Supreme Islamic Leader the most feared ruler ever known to man. The lack of any truthful benevolent characteristics correlated with the lack of wisdom and virtues allowed the shadow and powers of the Prince of Darkness to usurp the cloned creation. The third antichrist was a reality.
By 2078,the Supreme Islamic Leader had united all warring Muslim countries and had wreaked havoc on most of Europe. The once all powerful and great United States of America was crippled by homegrown Islamic fundamentalism and by the nuclear onslaught of the United Arab Armed Forces. The only formidable standing military resistance was the Free Christian European Union. Certain countries had remained neutral while others had much to gain by seeing the demise of Western Europe and America. The F.C.E.U. was virtually on its own.
However, Divine intervention did not overlook the challenges at hand. Centuries back, a pious nun serving the Lord in a small monastery tucked away in the midst of the Swiss-French Alps was chosen to receive a prophecy that not only described the advent of the Supreme Islamic Leader but also gave the means by which it could be defeated. No standing army alone would suffice. Rather, the joining together of two special people in a sacred bond of love and anointed by the powers of the heavens above could only stand in the way of the Beast. The union of these two people, their particular and unhampered DNA compositions along with their genealogical ancestry, will serve as humanity’s last line of defense.
Both will come from a long line of descendents that have fought for the good of the world, the good of Christianity and the good of knowledge. As it is a woman who is the bearer of life, The Anointed One shall be a young woman who is the direct descended of a former Empress of a past, glorious Empire that gave continuity to the philosophies and advances of a people who predated Hellenism and gave rise to it. This Anointed One must wisely choose the man for whom she will not only love unconditionally but will vow to sacrifice life itself and the life of those around them in order to defeat the antichrist. The Chosen One will also come from a family of kings and statesmen. With knowledge of ancient philosophy and technology, belief in the word of the Lord Almighty and in the power of free will, both the Anointed and Chosen Ones shall wage the battle to save the world. She will go by the name of ‘Hope’ and from her the struggle begins.