Rarely does a fictional storyteller capture the essence of human history through literary exploits as Claire Kambani. Claire’s writings smoothly compel the reader to examine alternative and provocative theories with regards to human endeavor. Refreshingly challenging her readers to anticipate the future by differently questioning the past, Claire is not afraid to attribute human development back to the core root: the individual. Great individuals make great stories, and by focusing on them, Claire brilliantly creates her own.
Born in Athens Greece and educated
in Paris and Grenoble France, Claire is a well versed observer from within the
very halls of power in economy, politics and religion. Claire’s own family
status afforded here the opportunity to interact with the likes of the late
religious figures the Ayatollah Khomeini and Patriarch Athenagoras, the
luxuriant Kraft Family, Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Byzantine scholars
Costantios Varzos, Sir Steven Runciman and George-Michael D. Carahalios.
Reading Claire's works is not
simply reading a storyteller's depiction of past histories or of powerful
individuals that have shaped the world. Claire peels away what we know as fact
and focuses on what can be if conviction becomes a true motivator to do
tremendous things.